My dialin server has no trouble with win95 clients but mac's logon ok
using freeppp then just hang after their IP number has been issued. Has
anybody had this problem ? I,m using RH5, ppp2.3.3, Kernel 2.0.33.
George Williamson.
PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errat
roadster 56 flex model AM3474 made in Australia, any input would be
George Williamson.
At 10:14 PM 4/30/98 -0400, you wrote:
>> Subject: dial in server
>> Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 22:08:35 -0400
> From: mel kravitz <[EMAIL PR
Thanks for the reply I think it's my modem see my other reply to the
Thank you,
George Williamson.
At 01:58 AM 5/1/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm assuming you either figured out what you have done so far, or have seen
. Have tried compling ppp-2.2.0g but that will not complie. Has anybody got
any idea what I,m doing wrong??? I,m going crazy!!!!
George Williamson.
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