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Андрей Климов

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Shilov Nikolay <shilov...@mail.ru>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2021 at 13:14
Subject: Семинар ruSTEP: приглашение на 27-28 мая 2021 г.

Уважаемые подписчики новостей о предстоящих заседаниях *ru-STEP* (=russian
seminar on Software Engineering, Theory and Experimental Programming,

Приглашаем вас в предстоящие *четверг и пятницу 27 и 28 мая* 2021 г. на
пленарные доклады XI SYRCoSE (Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium
on Software Engineering, http://syrcose.ispras.ru/).

SYRCoSE организуется ежегодно начиная с 2007 широко известными
специалистами в программной инженерии и программировании Александром
Константиновичем Петренко (Институт системного программирования РАН,
Москва) и Андреем Николаевичем Тереховым (Санкт-Петербургский
Государственный Университет).

Во время XI SYRCoSE планируется три пленарных доклада:

   1. *Дмитрий Александрович Мордвинов* (СПбГУ, JetBrains Research,
   Россия): *Property Directed Symbolic Execution* в четверг *27 мая 2021
   г. с 10:00 до 11:00* (московского времени)
      - Symbolic execution is a popular technique for systematic
      exploration of program paths, with a wide range of applications,
      unit test generation, security vulnerability detection, and program
      verification. In this talk, we'll briefly discuss the standard approaches
      in symbolic execution: state forking, path exploration
strategies, function
      summarization and lazy instantiation. In the second part, we'll
talk about
      the problem of directed symbolic execution: given a program,
target program
      instruction and first-order formula, find program path reaching
the target
      instruction, ending up in a state which satisfies the formula,
or prove its
      absence. I'll present, step-by-step, some approaches we've
developed during
      our current research project. In particular, we'll talk about the
      bidirectional symbolic execution, the efficient combination of
forward and
      backward symbolic exploration. I'll present our implementation of this
      approach in our extension of klee symbolic virtual machine.
Finally, we'll
      discuss the adaptation of recent breakthrough in hardware
verification, the
      property-directed reachability approach, in the bidirectional symbolic
      execution engine.

   2. *Антон Викторович Подкопаев* (Высшая Школа Экономики, JetBrains
   Research, Россия): *Programming Language Memory Models: Problems,
   Solutions, and Directions* в пятницу *28 мая с 9:30 до 10:30*
   (московского времени)
      - Due to compiler and hardware optimizations, modern programming
      languages (PLs) do not provide sequential consistent memory
model SC, which
      guarantees that all concurrent behaviors of a program could be
explained as
      a sequential execution of some interleaving of program's
threads. Instead,
      they have weak memory models which allow more behaviors. Such
memory models
      have to balance between performance and guarantees provided to software
      developers, or, as one may say, the balance is actually between
      and sanity. That is, performance forces a memory model to allow more
      optimizations and, therefore, more program behaviors, whereas
sanity forces
      a memory model to provide guarantees like data-race-freedom (DRF) that a
      program without races has only sequentially consistent executions which
      restricts the set of allowed executions. In this talk, we introduce weak
      memory concurrency, consider requirements imposed on PL memory
models, and
      examine ones used by industry C11 and Java and their drawbacks. Then, we
      explore new memory models RC11, MRD, Promising 1.0/2.0,
Weakestmo proposed
      as a solution for the drawbacks: what these models provide, which
      compromises they take, how expensive performance-wise, if at all, these
      compromises are, and how hard is to adapt the models for mainstream
      languages. We conclude with a discussion on how to choose a memory model
      for your language or VM depending on your desiderata.

   3. *Holger Schlingloff* (Fraunhofer FOKUS, Германия): *Formal Methods
   for Reliable Autonomous Systems* в пятницу *28 мая с 9:30 до 10:30*
   (московского времени)
      - A computational system is called autonomous if it is able to make
      its own decisions, or take its own actions, without human supervision or
      control. The capability and spread of such systems have reached the point
      where they are beginning to touch much of everyday life.
However, the more
      such systems take over safety-critical tasks, such as driving a car or
      flying a plane, the more important it becomes to establish the
      and reliability of their behaviour. In this talk I survey what
can be done
      as state-of-the-art in the specification and verification of autonomous
      behaviour, and propose challenges to researchers and engineers in this
      domain. The talk is based on the AAMAS'21 paper "Towards a Framework for
      Certification of Reliable Autonomous Systems", available at

С аннотациями докладов можно познакомиться пo ссылке
http://syrcose.ispras.ru/?q=node/36. Пожалуйста зарегистрируйтесь на
http://syrcose.ispras.ru/?q=node/26 для доступа к трансляции пленарных и
других докладов SYRCoSE.

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