| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      ENH=Enhancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|  306|Ass|Nor|2000-12-09|Why is the RE class not Serializable? BugRat Repor|
|  744|New|Maj|2001-02-28|case independent matchflag not working            |
| 1030|Ass|Nor|2001-03-19|{n,m} notation failure in org.apache.regexp.RE.mat|
| 2121|Ass|Nor|2001-06-11|'.' or '-' in bracket expression gives unexpected |
| 2188|New|Nor|2001-06-14|Problem with glob matching ie mu* matches huber   |
| 2525|New|Nor|2001-07-09|Leading zero-length string splitted by RE         |
| 3273|New|Nor|2001-08-25|CharacterArrayCharacterIterator substring function|
| 3303|New|Min|2001-08-28|Unicode 3.0 character \\uFFFD                     |
| 3773|New|Nor|2001-09-21|Problem with parsing greedy match modifiers       |
| 3793|New|Min|2001-09-24|Distribution .zip structure is inconsistent with o|
| 4057|New|Maj|2001-10-09|\w does not match underscore                      |
| 4137|New|Nor|2001-10-12|regexp match gets different results on different p|
| 4872|New|Maj|2001-11-14|RE Reports False Match                            |
| 5212|New|Nor|2001-11-30|Bracketed space [ \-] followed by dash does not ma|
| 5243|New|Nor|2001-12-03|Regexp 1.2 RE.match() hangs java.exe              |
| 5306|New|Nor|2001-12-06|different results for same pattern: missing '^'   |
| 5388|New|Nor|2001-12-12|Regex home page link to FAQ is broken             |
| 5734|New|Min|2002-01-08|the boundary matcher "\b" doesn't seem to work    |
| 6372|New|Nor|2002-02-11|ArrayIndexOutOfBoundError in RECompiler           |
| 6567|New|Cri|2002-02-20|ArrayIndex...Exception from RE.match              |
| 8386|New|Nor|2002-04-23|found some bugs                                   |
| 8777|New|Nor|2002-05-03|Wrong interval parsing [^a-bd-f]                  |
| 9153|New|Nor|2002-05-16|RE.match() hangs when using {n,m}                 |
|10440|New|Nor|2002-07-03|faq link isn't working                            |
|10893|New|Nor|2002-07-17|{n.m} notation work incorrect if n=0              |
|10940|New|Maj|2002-07-18|Infinite loop evaluation                          |
|11984|Unc|Maj|2002-08-23|Regexp crashes on patterns, with char sequences lo|
|12676|New|Min|2002-09-16|Link to FAQ broken                                |
|14689|New|Maj|2002-11-19|Wrong treatment of extremely simple regular expres|
|14954|New|Nor|2002-11-29|A bug caused by '-' in char class def ('[...]')   |
|15381|New|Min|2002-12-15|bracket expression [046-9] not evaluated correctly|
|15455|New|Nor|2002-12-17|RE unable to match a + character as part of charac|
|15461|New|Nor|2002-12-17|Word boundry (\b) not matching using org.apache.re|
|15775|New|Nor|2003-01-03|Regex fails for a validation of large string (Emai|
|16214|New|Nor|2003-01-17|Character escaping does not always work correctly |
|16434|New|Maj|2003-01-26|underscore not matched                            |
|16536|New|Enh|2003-01-29|StackOverflowError                                |
|16592|New|Maj|2003-01-30|Syntax error: Too many bracketed closures (limit i|
|17221|New|Cri|2003-02-19|Internal error in RECompiler                      |
| Total   39 bugs                                                           |

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