Andrew Morton wrote:

No. All of the applications which you initially identified can be
implemented by putting the various bits of data into a single file and
getting applications to agree on the format of that file.

So in order to avoid breaking backup and file utilities, we'd instead break every application that reads files? That way surely lies madness :) This /could/ possibly work with lots of cooperation from glibc, but we'd also need a way to insert and delete bytes in a file... moving 1MB of attributes/streams just to change a 20 character author attribute seems a bit silly. In addition, there are little things, such as how adding a thumbnail image shouldn't change the modification time of the original picture IMO, but it does if you embed it in the file.

If it should be in userspace, we could take the OS-X approach of using directories for everything, and the "data" that would be in a hybrid directory-file is a specially named file under that directory. Programs for instance are actually directories, with the elf file underneath it. When you click on the "directory-program" in the gui it runs the associated elf file rather than opening the directory. I think that approach is promising, but so few unix programs have any indirection for file access it'd be hell to teach them all how it works. Of course with emminent breakage of some sort, maybe now is the time...

- Jim Bruce

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