Title: lock up all the smelly cheese

Jokes of the day

Three men wanted to cross a river. They had no idea how to cross it, so one man knelt down on his knees and prayed "Lord give me the power and strength the cross the river." suddenly the man became very strong and swam across the river. The next man thought: if it worked for him, it'll work for me. So he knelt down and prayed "Lord give the skills and the strength to cross the river." the man built a canoe and rowed himself across the river. The last man thought: if it worked for both of them, I know it'll work for me. So he also knelt down and prayed "Lord give me the wisdom and knowledge to cross the river." He turned into a woman and walked across the bridge.

Sherlock Holmes and Watson were walking through a park, when they passed three women, eating bananas. "Good evening, ladies," said Sherlock. After they passed, Watson asked if he knew those women.
"No, Watson, I didn't know that nun, prostitute, or bride." Baffled, Watson asks how he knew their identities.
"Elementary, my dear Watson. The nun was eating the banana by breaking it into small pieces. The prostitute was shoving the banana into her mouth. And the bride was holding the banana with one hand and forcing her head down with the other."

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