Inoltrato da: geert lovink 

> (interesting report of a recent WSIS preparation meeting. i took out
> of the formal stuff. if you want to read the entire report go to:
> /geert)
> Debriefing on World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
> Intersessional Meeting, Paris, July 15-18
> by Georg C. F. Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (representative for WSIS coordination circle of German civil
societies in
> German delegation & Free Software Foundation Europe, president)
> The main documents for the WSIS, namely the "Declaration of Principles"
> and the "Plan of Action" had become very big, sometimes
> and almost unreadable due to the many comments and contributions
> incorporated. Therefore, the purpose of this intersessional meeting in
> Paris was to go through the documents for the WSIS and get them into a
> more concise, clear and workable shape; so they would provide a good
> for further discussion at PrepCom-3 in Geneva, Switzerland from 15 to 26
> September 2003.
> With the WSIS being a UN conference, the countries were invited to send
> delegations for the official negotiations, civil societies, business and
> international organizations were admitted as mere observers.
> Of most interest for civil societies were the groups on Communication
> Rights, Cybersecurity & Privacy and Internet Governance, all of
which were
> open at least to observers from civil societies, sometimes they were
> permission to speak.
> Also, Switzerland and the USA were asked to come up with a new draft of
> the part about Free Software and open standards after the United States
> had announced having problems with that particular part.
> There were several topics that dominated the discussions at the
> intersessional meeting in Paris -- especially those for which ad-hoc
> working groups were formed.
> a. Communication Rights
> Many governments outright refused to consider the effects of information
> technology on human rights, a topic often addressed under headings of
> "communication rights" or "informational self-determination" by civil
> societies.
>   After the viewpoint was brought up that this would mean defining new
> human rights -- something the WSIS could not do as it was not a human
> rights panel -- this view was quickly adopted and put forward by
> governments from USA to China.
>   So although (thanks to the intransparent drafting process) it is not
> clear what exactly the draft Declaration of Principles currently says,
> references to human rights and basics of society were apparently
> significantly reduced.
>   Both Brazil, which argued strongly for a more human rights based
> in the document, and the EU, which was officially arguing along the
> of the common position paper worked out before the intersessional
> were unsuccessful at convincing the rest of the delegates.
>   Within the EU, the positions seem to be varying quite a bit. Some
> countries are more in line with China and the USA, others were
> to take the first paragraph of the civil societies document instead, as
> that seemed of much higher quality to them.
> b. Cybersecurity & Privacy
> After some discussions, the proposal of the EU was universally accepted.
>   Only Russia made their acceptance dependent on the adoption of two
> paragraphs against "cyberterrorism" and for "national sovereignty" -- a
> position which they refused to negotiate. So after hours of
discussion, it
> was agreed to use the EU proposal plus the two Russian paragraphs in
> square brackets.
>   Also the USA were distributing documents about cybersecurity and
> homeland defense, apparently in an attempt to gain support for a more
> restrictive regime.
> c. Internet Governance
> There are again to major fractions in the internet governance area. One
> group, most prominently China, seeks to establish a pure governmental
> organization for internet governance. The other group, mainly the
USA and
> EU wish to see a reform of ICANN with a strengthened influence for
> governments.
>   The position of the business sector is to leave it entirely without
> governmental influence, while civil societies would like to see
> strengthened direct influence of the users in the governance of the
> internet.
>  d. Digital Solidarity Fund
> Another issue debated is the creation of a Digital Solidarity Fund that
> would help developing countries getting up to speed for the information
> society.
>   Some countries -- especially the developing ones -- are very much in
> favor of this fund, while others seem very reluctant. The German
> government has for instance a clear position against such a new
> instrument. Their reason is that there is already quite a number of
> bilateral and multilateral activities in the "ICT and Development" area.
> Also creation of such a new instrument wouldn't mean that it would have
> sufficient funds. A position that seems to be supported by a significant
> amount of other EU countries.
> e. Free Software & industrial control of information (IPR)
> Especially the USA demand to leave the issue of Free Software and
> issues about industrial control of information (IPRs) out of the
> discussion. Their strategy is particularly one of marginalizing Free
> Software as a pure development model by referring to it under the
> marketing term "Open Source" suggested in 1998.
>   The position taken by supporters of that viewpoint is to leave these
> issues entirely up to the WIPO and WTO, declaring the WSIS the wrong
> platform for these discussions.
> f. "Classic" issues
> Although no country would openly ask for removal of statements towards
> gender mainstreaming or empowering youth, these sometimes seem to
> disappear from the documents (as it happened with the draft
circulated on
> day three).
>   So it remains important to keep reminding the governments of these
> issues that are sometimes still far from being understood and need to be
> put forward with the adequate weight.
> Political impressions
> Regarding internet governance, a reformed ICANN seems like the most
> outcome, since the USA are taking a strong position on this and no EU
> country seems to be so much in disagreement to actually oppose them on
> this matter.
> It seems that for the human rights issues, the situation is very
> but with the exception of single countries like Brazil, no country is
> willing to risk going beyond what was known in 1948.
> So we are currently facing the risk that the only occurence of human
> rights in the knowledge society will be references to the Universal
> Declaration of Human Rights and the Millennium Declaration but no
> statement.
> With respect to the cybersecurity & privacy issue, it seems that the EU
> proposal -- which is substantially not very far from what the civil
> societies are proposing -- currently has found strong support.
> Russia is pressing hard for a more restrictive regime, though, and
it does
> not seem unlikely the USA will join forces with them. So given that
the EU
> is currently very careful about alienating the USA, this situation
> probably not be considered stable.
> Regarding the Digital Solidarity Fund, it seems unlikely that in the
> it will be created there will be resonable funds made available for it.
> Also its creation seems unlikely given the amount of resistance
> particularly among the wealthier nations.
> >From a civil societies viewpoint, it would seem more useful to
> concentrate on the systematic approach.
> So focussing on making the system more just instead of pushing for a
> (probably insignificant) fund -- that would then have to push money
> against the slope created by a more inequal system -- seems like a sane
> strategy.
> Closely related to issues of human rights, cybersecurity, industrial
> control of information and privacy is the Free Software question. Free
> Software as a paradigm provides each human being equal access to the
> cultural technique that software has become. It empowers the individual
> regardless of origin, belief or nationality and provides one seminal
> pillar on which informational self-determination is based.
> >From an economic point of view, the Free Software paradigm allows
> sustainable development and a system without the strong monopolizing
> tendencies of the proprietary software system. Freedom of markets is one
> of the freedoms that Free Software can help uphold.
> Unfortunately, the USA were quite successful in their attempt at
> marginalizing Free Software as the "Open Source development model."
> They were in fact so successful that even some civil society members
> accepting that marginalization, equally using the "Open Source"
> terminology to refer to Free Software.
> Particularly the question of industrial control of information --
> summarized under the acronym IPR, suitably expanded as "Intellectual
> Poverty Rights" -- will become crucial for the information and knowledge
> society.
> Governments around the world seem under immense pressure by the industry
> to leave these issues to the WIPO and WTO, which are both strongly
> influenced by the industry. Although the WSIS cannot ignore these
> organizations, leaving the issue of industrial control of
information out
> of the WSIS would make it useless.
> Instead the WSIS would provide an excellent possibility to -- in dialog
> and cooperation with WIPO and WTO -- reexamine some of the established
> policies in the light of the information age, allowing to get rid of
> that prove unsuitable for this new era.
> Future options
> Germany was -- to the authors knowledge -- one of three countries
taking a
> civil society representative into their official governmental delegation
> (the other two were Switzerland and Denmark).
> This was a visible sign of a general undercurrent which seemed to
> a lot of the WSIS intersessional meeting. A new understanding by the
> governments that civil societies have substantial contributions to
make to
> the WSIS process.
> So it seems settled that the German government will hold more meetings
> with the governmental, business and civil society sector involved to
> to a German position to the WSIS.
> Something similar might be possible on a European Union scale and was
> raised during the intersessional meeting in Paris. Getting the European
> civil societies together and finding political support for that kind of
> interface would provide an excellent opportunity to help the WSIS do
> it set out to do.
> Personal remarks
> While from the civil society side it is sometimes easy to
overestimate the
> power of governmental delegates or get the impression everything was
> more transparent to them, governmental representatives sometimes seem
> encouraged to feel civil societies don't understand the political
> or make unrealistic demands.
> For these reasons, participation inside the German governmental
> was an important step as it helped building trust, understanding and
> confidence from both sides.
> Inside the German delegation, the governmental representatives were very
> open, helpful and cooperative. They were always willing to answer
> questions about the processes, the background and the issues.
> Also, once enough trust had grown to know that no unwarranted statements
> would be made on behalf of Germany, they encouraged to raise some of the
> issues with the other governmental delegates directly. This may not
> immediately visible, but it did allow at times to raise the right
point at
> the right time, which sometimes can make a big difference.
> Overall, the combined and coordinated approach with one representative
> inside the governmental delegation and some people in the civil society
> coordination process worked very well and is a model worth building upon
> for the future.
> Regarding the WSIS
> >From the viewpoint of civil societies, we have to make sure that human
> rights, privacy, industrial control of information and Free Software are
> put into right perspective and not left out of the WSIS.
> The biggest lack that seemed to permeate the whole intersessional
> was lack of vision for the knowledge society and lack of courage
trying to
> create a truly visionary Declaration of Principles for it.
> So it seems that the governments of this planet are currently on the
> of missing one very important and possibly groundbreaking opportunity.
> More information
> Official WSIS website
> Web sites by civil societies about the WSIS


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