On Thursday 18 of February 2016 16:20:48 Ivan Čukić wrote:
> Resending this to additional MLs.
> Hi everyone,
> As previously announced, KActivities has been split into a few
> separate repositories. This mail is mostly intended to notify our dear
> packagers of the change, and the plan for the transition period.
> KActivities framework 5.19 (as released a few days ago) contains
> everything that it used to, this is about the next version - 5.20.
> This is the former setup:
> ----------------------------------
> Everything was contained in kde:kactivities, and distributions used to
> split it into different packages.
> This is the setup now:
> -------------------------------
> - kde:kactivities - contains the framework and QML includes, it will
> soon become a tier1 integration framework
> - kde:kactivitymanagerd - contains the activities service and its plugins
> - kde:kactivities-stats - the (first-to-be-released-with-5.20)
> framework for getting the usage statistics collected by the activities
> service
> - KIO module from kde:kactivities will be moved to kio-extras
> - KCM module will be moved to plasma-desktop/kcms
> - fileitem plugin will also need a new home (any ideas?)
> The release schedules:
> ---------------------------------
> kde:kactivities and kde:kactivities-stats will follow kde frameworks
> release schedule, other components will follow Plasma's release
> schedule.
> How to handle this transition is explained below.

There is one case that doesn't seem to be covered.
How to handle update of Plasma to 5.6 with latest KF5 release (5.19.0)?

Kactivitymanagerd repo contains overlapping files/binary with kactivities 
framework. Plasma-desktop contains overlapping files/kcms/imports over 
kactivities framework. If we update kactivities to master, we then lose kio 
plugins. Even if downstream removes conflicting files, this effectively means 
plasma 5.6 needs to conflict (on a packaging level) with kactivities 5.19 
(version which is AFAICS hard requirement).
Or we should avoid packaging 5.6 until we have KF 5.20.0?

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