On Monday 20 Jul 2015 15:21:39 Aleix Pol wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 3:19 PM, laurent Montel <mon...@kde.org> wrote:
> > Le Monday 20 July 2015, 06:45:31 Jeremy Whiting a écrit :
> >> TLDR we can't release applications that depend on an unreleased
> >> framework...> 
> > ?
> > So we can release an application which depends on lib which is not
> > released ?
> Framework is a synonym for library. 
I wonder what they'll replace Framework with once there is a new paradigm?
I wish we'd all stop finding new synonyms and stick with the original 
terminology.  It was terrible watching all the justification for creating the 
name "Leap" - i guess i've been around the block too many times and i'm 
i'll go back to sleep now
> It doesn't make a difference, I'd
> say. Releasing with unreleased dependencies means that distributors
> can't ship what we release, therefore it's a bogus release.
> Aleix
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