7th Cir Establishment Clause standing case

2007-04-04 Thread Derek Gaubatz
Winkler v. Gates, No. 05-3451 In an Establishment Clause challenge to a statute requiring the U.S. military to assist the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) organization with its Jamboree, ruling for plaintiffs is reversed where the plaintiff

Re: (no subject) Clergy at career days

2007-04-04 Thread Richard Dougherty
What has struck me about the responses is the relative ambiguity -- for good reason -- of the current state of the law.  We often hear that critics of strict separation overstate the opposition to public displays or endorsement of religion, but I think this case, and our discussion of it, shows tha

Re: (no subject) Clergy at career days

2007-04-04 Thread Douglas Laycock
Very often that's the real problem.  Then the lawyers on both sides go to work making up arguments. Quoting Richard James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Of course, as a non-lawyer, I think that what the school has done is dumb, mostly.  * * * Richard James Douglas Laycock Yale Kamisar Coll

(no subject) Clergy at career days

2007-04-04 Thread Richard James
Interesting responses, thanks. In this case, the situation was much more of a forum, with an open invitation sent home with all students asking for parent volunteers willing to come in and talk about their careers. In fact, I was responding to a second appeal for speakers sent out from the cla