RE: Impact of same-sex marriage rulings on strict scrutiny in religious exemption cases

2009-04-09 Thread W. A. Wildhack III
Some possibly disjointed thoughts from my minister/chaplain/lawyer brain . . . Several in this discussion have used the phrase "withdraw the power to solemnize civil marriages from churches" or similar language. I think a more accurate-even if cumbersome-phrase might be "the power to perform

RE: Impact of same-sex marriage rulings on strictscrutinyinreligious exemption cases

2009-04-09 Thread Berg, Thomas C.
Thanks very much, Steve. Two quick responses. First, with respect to withdrawing civil-solemnization status just from churches that refuse to marry same-sex couples: I still think that that given the easy availability of other marriage officiators, and the assertion (which seems right to me) t

Re: Impact of same-sex marriage rulings on strict scrutinyinreligious exemption cases

2009-04-09 Thread ArtSpitzer
Roger Severino asks why I think states won't withdraw the power to solemnize civil marriages from churches. My answer is that I assume most state legislators were married by clergy, and want their children and grandchildren to be able to be married by clergy, and I don't think it's likely that si

RE: - 3rd Circuit Rejects Muslim Cop's BidtoWearReligiousScarf

2009-04-09 Thread Volokh, Eugene
I'm puzzled why there would be significant Establishment Clause problems when teachers wear Christian religious symbols. Even fairly young children, I take it, must realize that lots of people wear things because they like them, not because their employer or the government or society li

Re: - 3rd Circuit Rejects Muslim Cop's Bid toWearReligiousScarf

2009-04-09 Thread Dave Sidhu
The Webb case brings to mind an ongoing matter involving Kevin Harrington -- a turbaned Sikh who was told by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Agency (MTA) that he could no longer wear his turban as a train operator (a position within full view of the public), and that if he still insisted o

RE: Impact of same-sex marriage rulings on strictscrutinyinreligious exemption cases

2009-04-09 Thread Steve Sanders
Thanks, Tom, I appreciate these good and valid points. If a state gives heightened scrutiny to sexual orientation, I suppose there would be an argument that blanket discrimination against gays and lesians might be different than the sorts of discretionary decisions churches already make as you des

RE: - 3rd Circuit Rejects Muslim Cop's Bid toWearReligiousScarf

2009-04-09 Thread Brownstein, Alan
I would describe the problem in a slightly different way than John does although I think his break down of the issues is quite helpful. In most cases wearing religious garb fulfills religious obligations and incidentally communicates a message identifying the person wearing the garb as a member

RE: Impact of same-sex marriage rulings on strict scrutinyinreligious exemption cases

2009-04-09 Thread Berg, Thomas C.
Churches can and do refuse to perform the marriages of those who the clergyman thinks are not ready, or who don't have some connection to the church, or who don't go through a religious counseling class, etc., although all those people are entitled to civil marriage. So far as I can see, almost

RE: - 3rd Circuit Rejects Muslim Cop's Bid toWearReligiousScarf

2009-04-09 Thread John Taylor
Doug's concerns are certainly legitimate ones, and I suspect few would disagree with the propositions that: (a) a specific religious exclusion like a garb statute is more worrisome than "neutral" laws under Smith (as the Police Directive in Webb apparently was), and (b) courts should certainly

RE: - 3rd Circuit Rejects Muslim Cop's Bid toWearReligious Scarf

2009-04-09 Thread Douglas Laycock
I think that hostility to religion in general, or to conservative religion in general, or to all religions that are in conflict with the secular culture -- the reach of the bias will vary from person to person -- is a large part of why these laws stay on the books and why some administrators s

RE: - 3rd Circuit Rejects Muslim Cop's Bid toWearReligious Scarf

2009-04-09 Thread John Taylor
It occurs to me that I should offer an additional point before my omission is pointed out by others: Re the statement below that it is not crazy to think that in some circumstances "singling out religion" as in a religious garb statute is not always badly motivated, I neglected to say that I re

RE: - 3rd Circuit Rejects Muslim Cop's Bid to WearReligious Scarf

2009-04-09 Thread John Taylor
In response to Chris's question about the current status of Cooper, "religious garb statutes," and the like: I haven't looked at these cases in a while, but my sense is that: 1) if we think of the Federal FE world as divided between Smith and Lukumi, a specific ban on religious garb would hav

Re: - 3rd Circuit Rejects Muslim Cop's Bid to Wear ReligiousScarf

2009-04-09 Thread FRAP428
In a message dated 4/8/2009 7:13:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: And relating to what > Professor Finkleman said before, there's actually an allowance for > "scarves" if they are "black or navy blue," and "captains and above may > wear white scarves." Perhaps a khima