​The Indianapolis Star reports
"Two conservative groups filed a lawsuit Thursday afternoon challenging the
constitutionality of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act "fix" and local
nondiscrimination ordinances in Indianapolis and Carmel."
Here is the complaint
The argument is quite complicated.
I see this as more of a political statement than a serious lawsuit
​  In political terms, it implicitly endorses S
​B 100, the Indiana Senate Republicans' proposed
anti-discrimination/religious accommodation law,​
for preempting local human rights ordinances.  In the plaintiffs’ view
religious conservatives need protection from cities and counties
that would infringe upon their religious liberty
.  At the same time, the lawsuit implicitly criticizes SB 100 for not doing
enough to protect religious conservatives: it fails to exempt organizations
(profit or nonprofit) that object to same-sex relations on religious
grounds but which are not churches or church-affiliated religious or that
have four or more employees.

Robert Katz
Professor of Law
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
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