Mark apparently wanted to recollect what it's like to take a law-school exam:  He just finished parrying 26 Questions (many of them with mulitple subparts!) on Newdow in one hour, in a public Q&A on the Washington Post website:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Tushnet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 2:20 PM
Subject: Kremlinology on Newdow

> FWIW:  Here's one (my) take on things.  Rehnquist offered his (mostly
> historical) opinion upholding the Pledge to the "conservatives." 
> O'Connor wasn't satisfied with it, and wrote her much more tortured (so
> to speak) opinion upholding the Pledge.  Stevens told Kennedy that he
> (Stevens) didn't think that either of those opinions would get a vote
> from the liberals, which would lead to a 4-4 affirmance if Kennedy went
> with either Rehnquist or O'Connor.  Better, Stevens said to Kennedy, to
> join me and the other liberals on a standing decision -- which I can
> write so that it has no implications for any other case.  Kennedy went
> along with Stevens's suggestion.  (That's why it took so long to get the
> standing opinion out -- for a while there was some chance that the
> decision would go on the merits.  If I were Rehnquist, I'd be annoyed at
> Kennedy [if this scenario is right] and maybe Scalia for causing the
> possibility of a 4-4 split.  But' he's a genial sort.)
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