Has anyone seen / modified any Wacom Preselector cavities model WP-747L3 / 
WP-447L1 for use in the 222 / 224 Amateur Band Split?

I have purchased a set of these cavities (they are still in the UPS truck) and 
I was trying to find any tuning information for them. So far all I can find is 
some very limited description on the Telwave / Wacom sites for model numbers 
close to these but not exactly the same.

WP-447L2        SPECIAL         Preselector     220-222
WP-747L6        TPCP-22612      Preselector, 800 khz BW 220-222

Any specifications or tuning instructions for the WP-747L3 / WP-447L1 cavities 
or information from anyone that has successfully adapted these cavities as a 
repeater duplexer in the amateur band would be appreciated.

    Thank you, Steve - KA1RCI

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