I have a GE mstr II rack repeater. Uhf version. I am installing an
rc210 controller. I have all the cards out accept the 10 v regulator
card plus I have the guard tone board and the encode board installed.
These are original boards. I have found receive flat audio, transmit
audio, PTT, and cos. The problem I have is finding a good source for
decode logic for the controller. The RUS and the CAS all work on
carrier no problem. I need to have decode and encode working on the
repeater. I tried a lot of different ways. I have the jumpers on the
10v board at 3-9 and 4-2 seems to work ok but I still have problems.
Does anyone know the right jumpers on the system board and the jumpers
on the 10 v control board? Any help would be great . I found a voltage
drop on the system board pin 3 j 908 on the code board label is cg
disable 6.8 volt with tone .77 . At this point I don't have audio
through the repeater. The id works , I have it key up with no audio.
The contoller is in ctss mode . If I have it carrier mode works great .
All the information I have found is about aftermarket decode/encode
boards. I need help with the original boards. It is something simple I
have not found it yet 

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