In a previous posting, I alleged that cheap portable radios are prone to
having CTCSS tones that have significant distortion.  Now I can offer some

My test setup comprises a Motorola R2600D service monitor feeding a Kenwood
HM-250 distortion analyzer from its DEMOD output.  The service monitor was
set for a 5 to 300 Hz bandwidth.  To get a baseline reading, I fed a pure
131.8 Hz tone from a Wavetek 188 audio generator to the external modulation
input of an HP 8656B signal generator.  The 8656B was set for a 146.000 MHz
carrier modulated at 750 Hz deviation of the 131.8 Hz tone, and cabled to
the RF input of the service monitor.  With this baseline signal, my HM-250
indicated 0.32% distortion.  I then tested four portable radios, with the
following distortion measurements:

Motorola HT1250:  1.2%
Motorola GP68:  1.3%
Alinco DJ-S11:  4.0%
Puxing PX-777:  7.8%

As one might expect, the cheaper the radio, the poorer the signal quality.
It's not surprising that the Puxing radio produces a raspy buzz when
transmitting through a repeater.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

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