Hi Mike,

You may have already figured this out... use the 005 command to set the
ports access mode.

I sounds like you want 005 2 3.


005: Set Receiver and DTMF Decoder Conditions

<005> p y Set receiver’s access mode

- 005  is the default command name.
- ‘p’ is the port number (1..4)
- ‘y’ is the receiver's access mode

Mode Definitions:
0 No Access
1 COR Access
2 PL Access
3 COR and PL Access
4 COR or PL Access
5 Always Active

> Howdy,
> This may sound like a dumb question but I am stumped.
> On my RLC 4, I put in code <013 1 0 0 > for port 1, PL low, COR low. So
> when
> my COR goes low, it keys up the transmitter, just like it should do. But
> how
> does the PL input help make this decision? If my PL input is low or high,
> the COR is able to key up the transmitter, regardless of the state of the
> PL
> input.
> What I want it to do is not key up the transmitter UNLESS it sees a LOW on
> BOTH PL and COR.
> Is this possible?
> Thanks,
> Mike

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