The PM2-MF power monitor is the power detector portion of the M/A-Com
Centralized RF Power Monitoring System.  The 2 in the part number
indicates that it is a dual monitor [forward & reflected] whereas
there was also a PF1 detector available that monitors only forward power.

The MF part of the part number indicates the standard [insertable]
male-female connector configuration.  Other connector configurations
were available.  

These detectors were used with the PMR10 detector readout meter panel.
 The system was designed to monitor transmitter combiners, especially
in the 406-512 MHZ and 806-890 MHz frequency ranges. 

Typically, each transmitter had a PM1 detector to monitor its output
power.  The PM2 monitor was used between the combiner output and the
antenna where it could monitor the total RF output as well as
reflected power.

A rotary switch on the meter panel allows selection of one of 10
transmitter detectors plus there are two additional positions to
select the antenna forward and reflected power.  An option provided up
to 10 toggle switches for remote keying of the associated transmitters.

The system was useable at frequencies from 30 to 960 MHz.  Calibration
of the PMR10 meter reading to a reference Wattmeter is accomplished by
volmeter adjustments on the PM detectors.  These are accessable
through small holes adjacent to the detector connection feedthrough

The meter on the panel has ranges of 50 Watts, 150 Watts, and 500 Watts.  

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