I've sat back and observed this thread as I have over 32 years in the electric 
utility industry. All electric utilities are concerned about electricity theft 
from a revenue AND safety standpoint. Who is and isn't prosecuted is another 
matter. It depends upon the local statutes. Some utilities and their respective 
legal jurisdictions work more at this than others who may not see it as 
important as other things in front of them. One of the most successful units I 
saw worked with the local legal system, and had changes to the ordinances (to 
be more specific, to deal with the severity of theft, and to deal with repeat 
offenders). Then, to top it off, members of the 'current diversion group' were 
deputized! Needless to say, there were a lot of prosecutions with a high 
success rate. 

OK... let's get back to repeaters! 


73, Kim - WG8S 

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