Processing commands for

> forcemerge 577986 578741
Bug#577986: Crash on the third step (after current bugs list)
Bug#578741: reportbug: does not play well with common-lisp-controller
Bug#578124: "ValueError: too many values to unpack" when running reportbug
Bug#578296: reportbug git-core: "ValueError: too many values to unpack"
Bug#578702: reportbug crashes when reporting a bug (e.g. against eclipse)
Forcibly Merged 577986 578124 578296 578702 578741.

> retitle 577986 too many values to unpack for conffiles
Bug #577986 [reportbug] Crash on the third step (after current bugs list)
Bug #578124 [reportbug] "ValueError: too many values to unpack" when running 
Bug #578296 [reportbug] reportbug git-core: "ValueError: too many values to 
Bug #578702 [reportbug] reportbug crashes when reporting a bug (e.g. against 
Bug #578741 [reportbug] reportbug: does not play well with 
Changed Bug title to 'too many values to unpack for conffiles' from 'Crash on 
the third step (after current bugs list)'
Changed Bug title to 'too many values to unpack for conffiles' from 
'"ValueError: too many values to unpack" when running reportbug'
Changed Bug title to 'too many values to unpack for conffiles' from 'reportbug 
git-core: "ValueError: too many values to unpack"'
Changed Bug title to 'too many values to unpack for conffiles' from 'reportbug 
crashes when reporting a bug (e.g. against eclipse)'
Changed Bug title to 'too many values to unpack for conffiles' from 'reportbug: 
does not play well with common-lisp-controller'
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Reportbug-maint mailing list

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