Sean Sprague wrote:
> Bonnie,
>> Thanks very much for the update, Tom.  I'll move this to 'suspended'.
>> Bonnie
>> Tom Whitten wrote:
>>> I've agreed to sponsor 6299120, but I've been unable to establish 
>>> contact
>>> with Aswathy.S or Sruthi.P.Deep.  I think that we should return 
>>> 6299120 to
>>> the pool of available bugs.
>>> Aswathy or Sruthi if you still wish to work on this bug, please 
>>> contact me.
> Tom appears to have been the "victim" of sponsoring fixes to two bugs 
> here (this plus 6319973), for which he has sadly received no contact of 
> late from the other side. From this, and that you have moved the status 
> to "suspended", is there a mechanism that moves the bugs from 
> "suspended" to "available again - no-one gave a crap last time"? 
> Otherwise the "suspended" pool might grow and grow...
> Regards... Sean.

Hi Sean,

When a bug is moved to 'suspended', it is by definition available to 
anyone to pick up.  The original contributor can come back later and 
request a sponsor again or someone else can pick it up and request a 

That said, a quick check leads me to believe that this information is 
perhaps not actually on the let me think about how to 
make this more clear......suggestions welcome.



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