Re: [Resteasy-users] JAX-RS 2.0: Properties for username and password

2013-04-22 Thread Juergen Zimmermann
Thank you, Bill. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Bill Burke [] Gesendet: Montag, 22. April 2013 15:08 An: Betreff: Re: [Resteasy-users] JAX-RS 2.0: Properties for username and password It didn't make the spec. Stupid righ

Re: [Resteasy-users] JAX-RS 2.0: Properties for username and password

2013-04-22 Thread Bill Burke
It didn't make the spec. Stupid right? I tried, honestly I tried. I was able to at least get SSL support in there. For Resteasy you can either use Apache HTTp Client and set it up there. I also have implement basic auth in a filter:

[Resteasy-users] JAX-RS 2.0: Properties for username and password

2013-04-22 Thread Juergen Zimmermann
As I understand, the new client API of JAX-RS 2.0 provides a properties as follows: ClientBuilder.newClient().target("http://...";).getConfiguration().property(< name>, ); What are the property names for username and password when the server requires BASIC authentication?