Did you get a plugin for integrating CMSyergy with Review Board??Am also
looking for a similar kind of thing for my project.
On Tuesday, 17 March 2009 22:11:10 UTC+5:30, adi wrote:
> Hey David,
> Thanks for the response. I'm willing to help out on this. Sadly don't know
> where to start fro
There's no real documentation, but the existing SCMTool
implementations are fairly straightforward. I think if you look at a
few of them (Perforce, Git and Bzr are the easiest), it should be
pretty obvious what to do. Don't hesitate to email the list if you
have questions.
On Tue, Mar 17,
Hey David,
Thanks for the response. I'm willing to help out on this. Sadly don't know
where to start from. I looked at
all the other scmtools in the repository. I guess I need to come out with
another such interface for cmsynergy.
Are there any docs that I can refer to?
On Tue, Mar 17,
We're happy to include support for any SCMs out there, but it's not
realistic for us to implement support for cmsynergy or other SCMs that
we don't have access to. If you or someone else were to submit a patch
for a cmsynergy SCMTool, we'd be happy to include it.
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8
I read a couple of posts about mapping cmsynergy to reviewboard concepts.
Are you planning to have cmsynergy supported in Reviewboard? I'll be really
looking forward as it as we use it as one of the few SCM tools (other being
svn & cvs)