[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA removed a comment on issue #25415: [SPARK-28390][SQL][PYTHON][TESTS] [FOLLOW-UP] Update the TODO with actual blocking JIRA IDs

2019-08-18 Thread GitBox
SparkQA removed a comment on issue #25415: [SPARK-28390][SQL][PYTHON][TESTS] [FOLLOW-UP] Update the TODO with actual blocking JIRA IDs URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/25415#issuecomment-522372291 **[Test build #109304 has started](https://amplab.cs.berkeley.edu/jenkins/job/Spark

[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA removed a comment on issue #25415: [SPARK-28390][SQL][PYTHON][TESTS] [FOLLOW-UP] Update the TODO with actual blocking JIRA IDs

2019-08-15 Thread GitBox
SparkQA removed a comment on issue #25415: [SPARK-28390][SQL][PYTHON][TESTS] [FOLLOW-UP] Update the TODO with actual blocking JIRA IDs URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/25415#issuecomment-521653151 **[Test build #4829 has started](https://amplab.cs.berkeley.edu/jenkins/job/NewSpar