I apologize to you and to other members of the list for the inconvenience
caused by my last message. If I have broken any of the rules expected to be
followed by the members of this list, I express my sincere apology to
everybody, specially to Alan Hewatt, the very capable list moderator.

We are at the moment setting up the list RAYOS-X, in spanish (those
interested in participating in this list, please, send a message to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]). We are also putting together a web page in spanish from
where interested parties can download files, programs, and information
related to the use of X-rays for characterization of materials. We hope to
have these facilities set up for next January. The idea is not to isolate us
from the mainstream scientific forum, but to address more appropriately and
freely local and more specific issues of interest to the iberoamerican

>From time to time, it might not be a bad idea to remind ourselves that there
is a vibrant world outside the english language. That, in spite of the
dominance of the english as the language of the world in this short period of
time, History teaches us that other languages dominated the world for much
longer periods and that a number of them have even disapeared. I have no
problem with wishing LONG LIVE THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE but it may not be long
into the milenium around the corner, people may have to learn another
language to survive in the “civilized” world. Who knows?.

Once again my apologies.

With kind regards,

Miguel Delgado


> I propose the administrator(s) of this group should make a decision if we
> subscribers are indeed on a multilingual platform or not and if file
> attachment are OK.
> L. Keller

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