Dear list members,

I'm a beginner in XRD and now trying to estimate the instrumental broadening.  
My final goal is to measure crystallite size and microstrain of minerals.

The equipment I've is Bruker D8 discover with GADDS(2D detector) and XYZ 
stage.  I know this is not a setup for high resolution diffractometry but 
that's what I have in my lab.

I'm unable to get NIST 660 because they have been out of stock for a few 
months.  I've NIST 640d, is it good enough for estimating instrumental 
broadening or I should prepare LaB6 from heating LaB6(from Sigma) over 300C?  
Otherwise, do anybody know where can I get 660?

My current setup is: 45kV, 45mA, copper anode, graphite monchromator, 30cm 
detector distance, theta1,theta2 starting at 8 degree, both move at 0.5 step 
size, to 45degree ,collection time=300s, 0.05mm monocap.  After merging the 
frames, I just integrate the middle part of frames.

Is this setup okay or what should be improved?

Thanks a lot.

wing fai


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