Friends and colleagues,

You may be aware that plans are afoot to build a new synchrotron light 
source, dubbed NSLS-II, at Brookhaven Lab.  This will be a medium energy 
(3 GeV) storage ring of extremely high brightness, proposed to start 
operations in 2013.  I am writing to ask you to attend the NSLS-2 User 
Workshop coming up at BNL on 17-18 July.  This meeting will provide an 
opportunity to hear details about the proposed machine and to participate 
in a breakout session which will define the next generation of powder 
diffraction x-ray scattering instruments for NSLS-2.

Current plans are for a powder diffraction line to be one of the 
instruments built by the facility and operating on day 1.  (Specifically, 
on a damping wiggler line, a very hot source having critical energy of 
10.8 keV, brightness 10^18 photons / sec / 0.1% bw / mm^2 / mrad^2 at 50 
keV, flux 5 x 10^14 photons / sec / 0.1% bw @ 50 keV.  See the conceptual 
design report on the nsls2 website for more details.) This is extremely 
fortunate for our community, but it should not be taken for granted. 
First, we need to mobilize a clear message of enthusiastic support for 
such an enterprise.  Second, we should start to work to define exactly 
what we want.  This is the time to consider integrating beamline design 
with sample environments with the hope of defining a facility that is not 
just one more powder diffraction beamline, but rather a significant step 
forward in research capability.

As a community, we must meet at this early stage to discuss:
 - next generation powder diffraction
 - related techniques such as pair distribution function
 - new detection modes and detector capabilities (e.g., not-quite-powder 
samples: 10-1000 crystals in a sample measured with an area detector)
 - new scientific opportunities and the scientific case
 - proposed organizational structure to fund and run the beamline for 
maximum scientific productivity and best access.

We will be bringing one or two invited speakers to share their experiences 
and insights with other recent powder diffraction beamlines at major 

Go to (note that https:// is required) 
and register, including for the powder breakout session.  If you want, 
please plan to give a short talk on your research interests or specific 
ideas about future instrumentation for powder diffraction.  Note that the 
workshop deadline is 12 July.

Best regards,

PS - if you have any comments that are not intended for the entire 
Rietveld discussion list, please make sure to direct them to me - 

Peter W. Stephens
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800
fax 631-632-8176

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