On Fri, Dec 01, 2017 at 03:44:22PM +0100,
 Tim Wattenberg <m...@timwattenberg.de> wrote 
 a message of 123 lines which said:

> In my measurement I activated the option to use the probes
> resolver(s) and left the option to resolve on the probe deactivated.

The documentation
appears misleading here, for the specific case of DNS.

For DNS measurements:

'use_probe_resolver': True means using the probe's resolver(s),
typically obtained through DHCP

'use_probe_resolver': False means you have to indicate a name server
(resolver or authoritative) as a target.

Atlas rejects 'use_probe_resolver': False if you did not specify a

Status 400, reason 
 cannot be null if `use_probe_resolver` is not 
specified"}],"code":102,"detail":"There was a problem with your 
request","title":"Bad Request"}}"

'resolve_on_probe' seems ignored.

Examples with atlas-resolve:

1) Use the probe's resolver(s):

% atlas-resolve -r 5 -v thepiratebay.org
{'definitions': [{'protocol': 'UDP', 'description': 'DNS resolution of 
thepiratebay.org', 'af': 4, 'query_argument': 'thepiratebay.org', 'query_type': 
'A', 'query_class': 'IN', 'set_rd_bit': True, 'type': 'dns', 
'use_probe_resolver': True}], 'is_oneoff': True, 'probes': [{'requested': 5, 
'type': 'area', 'value': 'WW', 'tags': {'include': 
['system-resolves-a-correctly', 'system-resolves-aaaa-correctly', 
Measurement #10397465 for thepiratebay.org/A uses 5 probes
[] : 4 occurrences 
[] : 1 occurrences 
Test #10397465 done at 2017-12-03T16:18:22Z

2) Use an external server (here, Quad9, option -e):

% atlas-resolve -r 5 -v -e thepiratebay.org 
{'definitions': [{'protocol': 'UDP', 'description': 'DNS resolution of 
thepiratebay.org via nameserver', 'af': 4, 'query_argument': 
'thepiratebay.org', 'query_type': 'A', 'query_class': 'IN', 'target': 
'', 'set_rd_bit': True, 'type': 'dns', 'use_probe_resolver': False}], 
'is_oneoff': True, 'probes': [{'requested': 5, 'type': 'area', 'value': 'WW', 
'tags': {'include': ['system-ipv4-works']}}]}
Measurement #10397471 for thepiratebay.org/A uses 5 probes
[] : 5 occurrences 
Test #10397471 done at 2017-12-03T16:19:41Z

In the case 1), measurement #10397465, the "dst_addr" field will indicate
the address of the resolver:

%         wget -q -O - 
https://atlas.ripe.net/api/v2/measurements/10397465/results/ | jq 
"map(.resultset) | flatten(1) | map(.dst_addr)" 

In the case 2), measurement #10397471:

 %  wget -q -O - https://atlas.ripe.net/api/v2/measurements/10397471/results/ | 
jq "map(.dst_addr)"

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