Dear RIS and RIPE Atlas users,

On Wednesday, 30 November 2022 we are planning to migrate the web server at <> as well as <> from Apache httpd to nginx.

This will affect how the file listings in HTML index pages are generated, including the following:
* RIS MRT data files (updates and dumps)
* RIPE Atlas daily dataset dumps

If you rely on the format of these pages, you need to update your software. Before we do the upgrade, you could check the new format of the index pages at:

We would like to ask you to avoid relying on the specific format of the index.html files.

If you are fetching BGP dump files, please use the REST API that is described at:

You might also consider using per-peer dump files instead:

We want to encourage you to provide your feedback on the API, so that we could improve it and build a similar API for the update files.

If you are fetching update files, please use direct URLs to files as described at:

Kind regards,

Oleg Muravskiy, Robert Kisteleki

ripe-atlas mailing list

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