Now that robotic CD handlers have come down out of the stratosphere price-wise, I was wondering if anyone has experimented with one to rip material for Rivendell?

I guess I see this happening on a Mac or PC outputting some metadata tagged intermediate file format that RDimport can deal with (like FLAC). It seems to me that Fred G. once told me that Rivendell could deal with metadata in Chart Chunk but I don't know of a ripper that really knows how to store stuff that way. Personally I'd be really happy to have 44.1 Ksps/16 bit PCM Stereo files without any intermediate conversion but that seems to be problematic from the metadata transport perspective.

The other question about automatic ripping is, does anyone know of a ripper that can make and exception list of the missing metadata? Since we have to deal with SoundExchange royalty reports, having an automated ripper rip 100 CD's with missing metadata creates a mess that's a hassle to clean up. I want to go look in each file to see if all the required the data is there. Better to have a .csv file that shows what metadata was collected and what's missing for the rip run. Then it's easier to go back and clean it up.

I was looking at this handler from Acronova. Anyone have any others that are in the price range that has worked in a Rivendell importing scheme they've worked out?

Acronova Nimbie <>

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