I’m going to bulk rename the files and adjust my script accordingly. That seems 
be the easiest way to go. Thanks for the input.

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 11, 2021, at 1:00 AM, Robert Jeffares <jeffares.rob...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> The audio filename is going to be xxxxxx_001.wav 
> Artist and Title are stored in MySQL [or MariaDB ]  where [] are allowed in 
> strings.
> --set-string-artist=should work with []" <--tested and it does
> --set-string-title="same"
> I just checked this on a copy of the same OS.  If the source audio filename 
> has [] brackets in it  rdimport does not work.
> I tried with wildcard complete and \[ escapes. 
> *BUT*  using --set-string-artist= allows [] to be used.
> I have tried various bash tricks to no avail. 
> I would be for changing the filenames using sed to replace [ with  a phrase 
> like 'b4'  and ] with a phrase like 'b8' and using the import script to 
> substitute occurrences in the   --set-string-artist="" string. Simple enough 
> to use an if then test like if grep -q artist_part_of_filename 'b4' then 
> replace b4 with a [ in the string being used for artist="" 
> Or you can get into mysql and do a global replace where b4  and b8 occurs in 
> the title;
> Migrating from one library to another can be a challenge. If you have less 
> then 20 you can do them by hand but anything more is a bash proposition or 
> perl or python or whatever rocks your boat!
> If you go the MySQL route make a copy of the DB before you attempt any 
> changes.
> regards
> Robert
>> On 11/07/21 12:59 am, Dave B wrote:
>> I should also note that the title and outcue (set in the script like 
>> --set-string-title="my title") may also contain brackets but that doesn't 
>> appear to be a problem. It's only setting a filename with brackets that's 
>> problematic.
>> Using the latest Rivendell version on CentOS 7.
>> On Jul 10, 2021 6:38 AM, Dave B <dav...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> I'm using the full file names because I'm also setting the talk and segue 
>> markers and scheduler codes, etc via the script. The files do contain 
>> metadata but for some reason rdimport doesn't always read the artist field. 
>> I'll try importing some files using wildcards in the filespec  (*.flac) and 
>> see how that goes.
>> On Jul 9, 2021 9:46 PM, Robert Jeffares <jeffares.rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> have you tried rdimport  [options] [GROUP] *.flac ?
>> or is it falling down in the      --metadata-pattern='%a - %t.flac'
>> Are you using CentOS or something else?
>> Do the flac files have metadata?
>> From memory [] brackets are not usually a problem
>> regards
>> Robert
>> On 10/07/21 7:03 am, Dave wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> > I'm about to use rdimport to import a couple of music libraries into 
>> > Rivendell via a shell script. In testing it works great except for the 
>> > fact rdimport does not like file names containing an open bracket ([). 
>> > For example, if I enter the file name using a double quote as "'N Sync 
>> > - This I Promise You [Radio Edit].flac" it will fail. If I use singles 
>> > quotes and escape the single quote in the file name it also fails. 
>> > '\''N Sync - This I Promise You [Radio Edit].flac'. I've tried 
>> > escaping the bracket to no avail. The only way I can import these 
>> > files via rdimport is to rename the file without the brackets. I can 
>> > import files with brackets manually via the rdlibrary GUIwith no 
>> > problem. Any suggestions?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Dave
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>> -- 
>> Robert Jeffares
>> Communication Consultants
>> 64 Warner Park Avenue
>> Laingholm
>> Auckland
>> New Zealand 0604
>> +64 9 817 6358
>> _______________________________________________
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
> -- 
> Robert Jeffares
> Communication Consultants
> 64 Warner Park Avenue
> Laingholm
> Auckland
> New Zealand 0604
> +64 9 817 6358
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