We are a small operation, but use RDCatch to schedule a daily backup
of the database, then copy that to the /var/snd/ drive.  Once a week,
the /var/snd drive gets rsync'd to one of 2 alternating backup drives. 
A check of the rsync error log tells us if there were any problems. 
This way, both the database and all audio are backed up in a simple
manner.  This method has worked for us in the rare times of trouble.


On Fr, 15 Oct 2021 12:14:31 -0400
Rich Gattie <mob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello List!
> I was thinking to myself, "Self! We really need to come up with a
> better backup solution!"
> Currently I just do a copy of /var/snd to a folder on an external
> drive, and then do the SQL backup in Rivendell, copying that to
> another folder on the external drive.
> I know I should have something a little more robust than that. But I
> was curious what would some of you recommend for something simple and
> automatic?
> Am I better off with a shell script that does what I am doing? Or
> maybe one of the many open source projects that does back ups?
> Thanks in advance.

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