I forgot that Drew originally setup a small script that runs to patch the audio 
through from RDD to Jack. That file was accidentally deleted by a user so the 
patch wasn't being carried out.
Thanks all

Mike Cox
On 6 May 2022, 07:28 +0100, Mike Cox <>, wrote:
Morning all. It's been a while since I've had to ask for help.

I have a server running on the standard install and it's been running for 
several years with no problems thanks To Drew's help setting it up.

The format is RD -> Jack -> Glass Commander -> My Streaming server.

After a recent power cut the server restarted and there is no audio appearing 
in Glass Commander.

RD is running and playing audio.

Jack appears to be running (started by RD) as if I try to run it again it says 
it already exists.

Glass Commander starts OK and connects to our streaming server but no audio 
showing on the audio bars.

Settings in RD admin show that Airplay should be outputting to Jack correctly.

Any pointers to where I can start fault finding this please?

Many thanks

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