What are your transitions for your items in the log on rdairplay? Is
it possible you have the default transition as being stop and not play
or seque?
What happens if you have a "Hard" or "Soft" timed event in the log?
Does it start?

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Bill Putney <bi...@wwpc.com> wrote:
> Back when the world was young, I used a LiveCD to install Rivendell 1.7.1 on 
> the automation clients at our station.
> We now have a couple of places that we need to send Now and Next data to over 
> UDP.
> Our ripping station is the sacrificial lamb for testing new stuff. I loaded 
> the Rivendell sources for 1.7.1 in a protected directory away from the 
> running automation objects. I compiled the rlm_udp.rlm module. No compile 
> errors (after I fixed the include for rlm.h). I created a .conf file and 
> copied the module to /usr/local/lib and the conf file to /usr/local/etc. I 
> loaded the module in the now and next configuration in RDAirPlay in RDAdmin.
> I ran RDAirPlay from the desktop and it didn't report the metadata over UDP. 
> RDAirPlay now won't advance through a log in Automatic.
> Quick like a bunny I went back to RDAdmin and took the module out. I figured 
> that would restore the normal function of RDAirPlay. No such luck.
> So, what could I have broken? Any thoughts about where the glitch is? Is 
> there some residue somewhere that delete in RDAdmin doesn't take care of?
> At this point I'd be happy to have RDAirPlay back to normal so I could focus 
> on fixing whatever problem exists with the rlm.
> Bill Putney - KPTZ Port Townsend, WA
> Sent from my iPad
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