I'm looking for best practices from the group.

Our current configuration; 1 - Server with separate root and /var/snd 
drives. 3 - Clients with sound cards and small (60GB) SATA II AV drives. 
They are all running the RRAbuntu LiveCD distribution. All the client 
machines are dual core 64 bit machines with 2 GB of RAM. The server is a 
dual core 64 bit with 8GB of RAM with enterprise class SATA III drives.

We're doing this move this Saturday. I've got an 8 hour (is that enough 
time?) program block wav file I'm going to play out of our studio 
utility computer while the automation system is down.

I've got new drives for all the computers. We're moving to the Broadcast 
Appliance distribution.

Here's what I plan;

0) Shutdown all the clients and install new drives.
1) Rsync the new /var/snd drive from the old /var/snd drive before the 
old server is shut down.
2) Backup the Rivendell database.
3) Shut down MySQL and copy the database file(s) to a thumb drive. (Is 
the RDAdmin database backup enough?)

At this point the plan gets a little tenuous.
4) Install the new root drive in the server.
5) Install the Broadcast Appliance CD in the server.
6) Install the /var/snd drive in the server. Change the mounts to point 
/var/snd to the new drive.
7) Copy the backup database file onto the system and restore it in RDAdmin.
8) Set up the NFS exports for /var/snd.
9) Install the Broadcast  Appliance CD on all the clients on their new 
10) NFS mount the /var/snd from the server.
11) Change the client database configuration to point to the server 
12) Shutdown MySQL in the clients and disable it.
13) Add all the clients in as hosts (not sure if this gets done in the 
db restore)
14) Configure the audio cards for all the clients.
15) Take the rest of the day off.

Any holes? Ideas?

Here's one... Our /var/snd file system is getting kind of big (almost 
too big to fit in a single enterprise class SATA drive). I'd like to 
install ZFS for the /var/snd volume. Anyone have any experience with ZFS 
on Centos 5.5? I've used ZFS on Solaris, BSD and Ubuntu but never tried 
it on Centos and I don't have the time before Saturday to experiment.


Bill Putney - KPTZ Port Townsend, WA

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