On 9/14/14, 11:33 45, Pedro Picoto wrote:
And "how to" to someone who's not used to deal with these intricated

Well, it depends on your specific goals. If the intent is simply to *use* Rivendell to produce audio content, then far and away the easiest route will be to use one of the pre-packaged 'appliance' setups (Broadcast Appliance and RRUbuntu come to mind immediately). These basically spare you the need to deal with dependencies, configuring and compiling code, managing Apache setups, etc, etc. Their primary intent is to deliver a system that 'just works'.

OTOH, if you need to be building the system from source (whether so as to hack on it, put it on a distro for which a binary integration is not available or whatever), then you are indeed going to have to deal with 'intricated issues'. Radio automation is an inherently intricate problem domain, one that involves dealing with RDBSes, realtime media, web integration and a myriad of other subsystems. The breath of dependencies and build options presented by Rivendell is is an indication of that complexity. To master it, the place to start is the 'INSTALL' file shipped with the Rivendell sources, augmented by the contents of the 'docs/' directory. There is also a wealth of material contributed by the community on the wiki and other locations. This list is an invaluable resource, home to a dedicated and active volunteer community. Remember too that Open Source is a two-way street; if you finally figure something out that was not well (or at all!) documented on-line, consider taking the time to remedy that lack on the wiki. Then, the whole community benefits.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|  There are two ways of constructing a software design.  One is to    |
|  make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies; the     |
|  other is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious        |
|  deficiencies.  The first method is far more difficult.              |
|                                         --C.A.R Hoare                |

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