Recently acquired a new ( for me ) used laptop.
 Installed Slackware 14.
 Upgraded KDE from 4.x to 3.5. ( 4.x is a disaster )

 ( personally, I find KDE pretty terrible over-all, but some of the k-apps
 like kmail to be quite useful. Apparently, in KDE 4.x kmail can no longer
 do IMAP at all, but ( the extremely annoying part of KDE ) depends on
 something that depends on something else that uses still something
 else to do the imap for it, and each needs configured separately.
 Fortunately, upgrading from 4.x to 3.5 is a fairly common thing, so
 easily found on the net )

 Extremely annoying touchpad behavior.
 Clicks on drop in many cases, when not wanted.
 Takes a triple click to get a double click, but then also acts
 on the third click after doing the double click action.
 Note that the actual physical buttons behave exactly as expected,
 completely different from the touchpad.
 All I want, is for the touchpad clicks to act just like the
 physical button clicks, drops, and not clicked at all.

 Although it's a more common annoyance than one would expect,
 most of the research on the net offers solutions like
 On the OS you're not running, go to the menu you don't have,
 and change this setting. Fixed.
 Gee, thanks a lot !

 This extremely annoying, and inconsistent with the physical buttons,
 has the potential to be a real disaster with a touch screen.
 Have any of you found a simple synaptics solution without going
 through the hundred or so synaptic settings one by one ?
 Copying config files from the old box hasn't helped any.


Just because you can does NOT mean you should !

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