Hi Fred,

This happens when you try to delete a log in RdLogEdit:

(other texts with foreign characters are show fine in RdLogEdit)

In RdAdmin, when you specify the description in Groups, Scheduler Codes or
User List, most of the foreign characters are replaced with "??".


Scheduler Codes


This happens in the Production_SRT table, too: foreign characters in fields
like TITLE, ARTIST and others are replaced with "??".


2014/1/22 Morten Krarup Nielsen <morte...@gmail.com>

> 2014/1/21 Fred Gleason <fr...@paravelsystems.com>
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 03:49 25, Morten Krarup Nielsen <morte...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > It would be nice, if this consistency Rivendell is aiming for also
>> included accented/foreign characters :-) In some modules they look right,
>> in other modules they doesn’t
>> I’m game, but I’ll need some help from you folks, as my dev setup doesn’t
>> use such characters.
>> Where are the trouble spots?
> This sounds awesome. It causes so much trouble, that our Danish characters
> isn't (fully) supported.
> In RDAirPlay, the song Kære Lillesøster by Danser med Drenge shows up
> correctly in the playlist, but you can't search for titles with foreign
> characters (see http://i42.tinypic.com/20r4mbr.png)
> In RdLibrary you also can't search for titles containing foreign
> characters (or you have to search for a different part of the song - new
> users/presenters can't understand this). Also when you create a new cart
> containing foreign characters and click ok, the characters is replaced by a
> "?" (see http://i44.tinypic.com/2hmoa5u.png)
> In RDLogEdit the problem is the same when adding and searching for carts.
> In Voicetracker the characters is looking weird (not a real problem, but
> maybe confusing, see http://i39.tinypic.com/2r20o3s.png)
> icecast2.rlm also outputs the foreign characters in a strange way, which
> causes problems with our stream-metatag and online playlist.
> At last I run a MySQL command every week to generate our weekly
> airplay-chart into a text-file - and this file also has the problem with
> foreign characters
> I hope it's possible to fix - this will make our work easier and help
> adopt Rivendell in Europe.
> Thank you!
> Kind regards,
> Morten
> www.radiomax.dk
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