
I think he's refering to the advice I offered earlier in this
discussion, here:

Essentially my thoughts surrounded concerns that I would have about
network latency, insufficient bandwidth, potential loss of connection
between the 2 machines (either unintentional such as hiccups on the
internet, traffic suddenly getting rerouted and adding more latency then
expected, a mouse chewing through a network cable or power cord for a
DSL / cable modem causing an outage, or intentional loss of connectivity
such as the campus IT seeing traffic they deem as 'suspect' going
through the firewall and deciding to close off the connection, etc -
I've experienced all of these types of service interruptions over the
years).  Reasons why I wouldn't want to try and rely on a setup where
the music library / MySQL database was being accessed across the public

One other thing to consider that I hadn't thought of when I wrote the
original post is potential bandwidth / data caps.  I don't know what
level of service you have at your mom's house, but I've found that more
and more internet providers which are putting bandwidth data caps on
their service - no longer offering "unlimited" internet access, but
instead offering access where once you've reached a certain amount of
bandwidth / data usage, they start charging more per gig used. 
Especially if your library is uncompressed audio files, I could see
bandwidth usage jumping up.  Also worth considering - some internet
providers throttle (intentionally slow down) internet speeds at certain
times of day or if they see data usage spikes.  Again this all would
depend on the internet provider you've got at your mom's house, but
something you might want to look into.

For something like Rivendell where if something goes wrong it could
potentially end up with dead air I prefer to go on the side of caution,
but that's just how I run things.  Of course it is entirely up to you
how you want to set things up, as long as you recognize the potential
pitfalls and make an informed decision then it is just a matter of
sorting out the technical side of things.

Lorne Tyndale

> ...sorry but who's the Tyndale?
> Do you know of a batch converter or a way to convert automatically in
> Rivendell from WAV to MP2? I have a lot of cuts.

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