Does Rivendell create any logs for troubleshooting purposes other than /var/log/rivendell/operations?

I had an incident today where my helper was as the station working on some computer networking when he heard dead air. He looked at the Rivendell computer and he said the log screens were blank. RDAirplay was up, just no log loaded and nothing running. He manually loaded today's log and started playing and everything has been fine since. It just seems that somehow the log unloaded.

I went to the operations log and see that carts were playing normally.
A cart started at 14:21 and finished at 14:24. That was the last thing to play, then silence. I see that the local maintenance routines ran at 14:26. These seem to run somewhat randomly throughout the day. Usually once per hour, but they skip some hours and run two or three times in some hours. Is it possible the maint routine somehow dumped the log? I can find zero documentation mentioning the local or system-wide maintenance routines. I see them in the log, and their randomness seems to indicate something is triggering them, but I have no idea what is going on.

Feb 9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: finished event: Line: 452 Cart: 10638 Cut: 1 Card: 0 Stream: 0 Port:
Feb 9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 caed: HPI Error: #104 - OBJ_NOT_OPEN, rdhpiplaystream.cpp line 823 Feb 9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 caed: UnloadPlayback - Card: 0 Stream: 0 Handle: 140 Feb 9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 caed: LoadPlayback Card: 0 Stream: 0 Name: /var/snd/010515_001.wav Handle: 141 Feb 9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: started audio cart: Line: 453 Cart: 10515 Cut: 1 Pos: 0 Card: 0 Stre
am: 0  Port: 0
Feb 9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 caed: PlaybackPosition - Card: 0 Stream: 0 Pos: 0 Handle: 141 Feb 9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 caed: Play - Card: 0 Stream: 0 Handle: 141 Length: 181367 Speed: 100000 Pitch: 0 Feb 9 14:24:10 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: finished event: Line: 453 Cart: 10515 Cut: 1 Card: 0 Stream: 0 Port:
Feb 9 14:24:10 khrb_rd1 caed: UnloadPlayback - Card: 0 Stream: 0 Handle: 141
Feb  9 14:26:35 khrb_rd1 rdservice: ran local maintenance routines
Feb  9 14:28:41 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: loaded log 'KHRB-0209' in Main Log
Feb 9 14:29:07 khrb_rd1 caed: LoadPlayback Card: 0 Stream: 0 Name: /var/snd/010582_001.wav Handle: 142 Feb 9 14:29:07 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: started audio cart: Line: 279 Cart: 10582 Cut: 1 Pos: 0 Card: 0 Stream: 0 Port: 0 Feb 9 14:29:07 khrb_rd1 caed: PlaybackPosition - Card: 0 Stream: 0 Pos: 0 Handle: 142 Feb 9 14:29:07 khrb_rd1 caed: Play - Card: 0 Stream: 0 Handle: 142 Length: 248737 Speed: 100000 Pitch: 0 Feb 9 14:33:16 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: finished event: Line: 279 Cart: 10582 Cut: 1 Card: 0 Stream: 0 Port: 0

Thanks for any guidance.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
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