The silence sensor at one of my stations just called me. On investigation, the log looks correct, but Rivendell didn't follow it.

The relevent lines are:

 05:01:59.5     SEGUE   200115  PGMS    57:50   V.B.
 05:57:50.0     SEGUE   004000  NEWS    4:53    Fill music
T05:59:50.0     STOP    050010  MACROS   :00    Switch
 05:59:50.2     SEGUE   910910  ID       :12    Legal ID
 06:00:00.0     SEGUE   400403  ETC     1:03    [no title]

The timed event is marked "Start immediately".

As I understand Rivendell, one of three scenarios is supposed to play:

a) "V.B." ends very early; all of "Fill music" plays, ending well before 05:59:50, and there's dead air until that time, at which point the macro fires, followed by the legal ID;

b) "V.B." ends early, "Fill music" plays until 05:59:50, then is cut off abruptly by the macro and the legal ID;

c) "V.B." runs late, and is cut off by the macro at 05:59:50; the legal ID plays, and "Fill music" is skipped.

Instead, here's what just happened:

"V.B." ended at precisely 05:59:50.0.

"Fill music" played in its entirety.

Rivendell stopped.

I've seen behavior like this in Scott Studios and AudioVault, so I suspect it is a problem we will always have to work around. Before reinventing the wheel, I'm curious how other folks here handle it.

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