Hello, and thanks for reading.

Well, I had to go play and try and get something to work, and have in turn
broken something else. I can't seem to import audio files, or delete carts
in RDLibrary.

I have checked the archives of the mailing list and made sure that the
owner and group for rdxport.cgi is correct, as well as for /var/snd.

I have even tried reinstalling from repos and still no luck. So I'm kind of
stuck as to what to try next. I am running 2.10.2 on Ubuntu, and database
schema is 242.

Any suggestions as to what to try next or what I should also be checking?

Thanks and 73!

-=:{ Rich Gattie, KB2MOB }:=-
Email: mob...@gmail.com
Blog: http://xjockalbanyny.com
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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