Hi Inge,
Can you try using the latest rlib from CVS and configure it using the
--enable-utf8 flag? I will be trying your example myself as soon as I can.
We have actually been working various i18n features lately and are serious
about getting this working for you.
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010
Can you show us the following?
(a) the code where you set the locale in rlib
(b) the XML snippet that defines the field
Also, are you using the CVS version of rlib or one that you downloaded? And
finally, what platform are you on?
On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 5:24 AM, Inge Raes wrote
I am wondering how I can get the amount to display in european format.
(comma for decimal seperator instead of a decimal point)
In the code the locale has been set correctly, but I still see the
decimal point in my amount instead of a comma.
I wanted to change my format in the xml definition