----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Laurentiu Vasiescu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <rlug@lug.ro>
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 8:02 PM
Subject: [rlug] Sendmail, CC addto header

> Ce ash vrea: toate mailurile care pleaca de pe domeniu sa plece cu inca
> o adresa in CC.
> Se poatea? Dca da, cum?
> Sendmail, procmail.
> Merci.


This is a Sendmail utility milter that can add to the recipient list of any 
inbound and/or outbound message one or more blind-carbon-copy recipients (Bcc) 
depending on the MAIL FROM: and/or RCPT TO: addresses for any given message. 
This is particularly useful for mail hosts that manage several domains, such as 
an ISP.

curiozitatea stapanului de a vedea ce contine aceasta a dus la moartea pisicii

Detalii despre listele noastre de mail: http://www.lug.ro/

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