> Can anyone explain why things work this way?
Let me try :-).
The formula (in lcd-16bit.c)
lcd_getstringsize(str, &w, &h);
xpos = xmargin + x*w / utf8length(str);
ypos = ymargin + y*h;
seems to be a way of trying to come up with an average character cell
width the display. However
I've been looking at the implementation of lcd_puts_scroll() and
related functions on the lcd-16bit code. It's really odd. There's
really no good way to specify an X value other than 0.
The formula for vertical position of the line is just the (Y * font
height) + YMARGIN, so you can think of it
Hey guys.
I don't know if this is some feeling many contributors share, but I for once
feel that many of my work, which I always make sure is worthy
gets left out of the main cvs branch, and not for a good reason but for the
reason nobody takes the time having a look at it.
I think it will only