I may reach more people here who compile their own and are geek enough to have 
big disks, so I dare a crosspost from my yesterday's user list posting.

-------- Original-Message --------
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 19:22:39 +0100
From: "[IDC]Dragon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: to owners of 160 GB disks (and up), here's howto fully use it


thanks to a subsidy by fellow Thomas Kobler I'm now a proud owner of a 160GB 
disk instead of the originally planned 120GB. (Hey, why the extra expense for 
only 17GB extra I can use with the existing 137 GB limit...) So I was bribed to 
support larger disks with Rockbox. 

Since yesterday Rockbox can use LBA48 when compiled for it. Together with the 
multi-partition capability (another compile time option) we can use the >137 GB 
part of large disks.

Read here for details:

Have fun,

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