Just a thought but have you enabled Accessory Power (I forget the exact name
of the setting) in the rockbox Settings>System menu?
> I recent bought the iPod Radio Remote accessory and was thrilled to see
that it was supported in rockbox but then I went to use it and realized the
radio was useless in rockbox unless you were recording. When I go into the
FM Tuner and choose a station, it is inaudible over the headphone socket in
the iPod itself, but when I plug it in the Radio, it is noisy (noise comes
over headphones - not powered speakers) and extra noise comes in when keys
are pressed on the Radio itself, when the screen scrolls the RDS data, and
when the iPod wheel is touched. The music itself was not audible, so I
bumped the volume to db 0 and even at one point 6 with the headphones
plugged into the accessory and then the music over the radio can be heard,
but faint. It is just fine when listened to the recording after amplifing
(using the gain setting) 20 db and the vu meter underneath looks like it is
receiving sound at a decent volume, so I know it works, but it needs the
removal of the noise, the listening volume amplified and the ability to
listen to radio over the iPod headphone socket. Works perfectly in OF.
> Does anyone know what needs to happen to fix this? I posted it to
FS#11559, but itdoesn' have any activity on it and I believe it is some what
important to have this bug fixed as it practically makes it unusable.
> Thanks,
> Trevor

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