ian douglas wrote:
I just don't want to try flashing a 4MB firmware file if it's going to
kill my H320, I've got a 90 minute commute ahead of me... :o)
Then don't try it. You will be the first to patch 1.04 with Rockbox.
Hi ian,
the 4 MB scrambled file is fine. I had that too.
the discriminator parameter to scramble.exe to specify the device is
simply "-iriver".
I think all irivers (with rockbox up to now) have the same scrambeling.
To be drop-dead-sure, you should compare the md5 checksum. That's what
it's made
Don't mind my little conversation with myself ... I'm really not
schizophrenic or anything. Just making notes on what I'm trying,
hopefully someone can spot my mistake.
$ tools/mkboot -h300 H300-104.bin bootloader-h300.bin H300-104-rockbox.bin
Wrote 0x3fcfd7 bytes in H300-104-rockbox.bin
$ ls -
Okay, grabbed the latest mkboot.c and that worked ... now when I
re-scramble the .bin I created it comes out at 4MB, is that right? I
would have thought it'd compact back to a ~2MB firmware file?
Ian Douglas
blogs & photos: http://www.w98.us/
ian douglas wrote:
http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverBoot says that I need
to run mkboot as such to patch the firmware:
# tools/mkboot -h300 H300.bin bootloader/bootloader.bin new.bin
When I try that, I get this:
$ tools/mkboot -h300 H300.bin bootloader-h300.bin H300.bin
-h300: No such file or dir