Conferinta Uniunii Internationale a Femeilor Romane, UNIFERO, Inc. 

Noiembrie 21-23, 2008 




La Conferinta UNIFERO Atlanta, prima de acest fel, sunt asteptati sa 
participe reprezentanti (femei si barbati) ai multor grupuri etnice 
din intreaga lume,  inclusiv cei traind in Statele Unite si Romania. 

Sa ne intilnim femeile romane si din alte grupuri etnice, impreuna cu 
sustinatorii nostri, intr-un eveniment dedicat tuturor femeilor, 
tuturor celor care cred ca doar impreuna putem reusi. Sa continuam cu 
demnitate si responsabilitate actul de desavirsire si ocrotire a unei 
lumi in care sa fim toti inclusi, pentru sanse egale si sperante 


Contactati-ne la [EMAIL PROTECTED] si vizitati 
pentru informatii complete. 



The Conference of the International Union of Romanian Women, UNIFERO, 

November 21-23, 2008 


You are invited to be part of AN EVENT that we hope WILL MAKE HISTORY 


Representatives (both women and men) of many ethnic groups from 
around the world, also living in the U.S.A. , and in Romania are 
waited to participate at the first of the kind Conference of The 
International Union of Romanian Women for Women, UNIFERO, to take 
place in Atlanta . 


Let us unite, Romanian women, women of other ethnic groups, together 
with our supporters in an event dedicated to all women and to those 
who believe that only together we will succeed. Let us continue with 
dignity and shared responsibility the act of completing and defending 
a world that includes everybody for equal chances and fulfilled 


For additional information please contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And visit us on 


International Union of Romanian Women

ATLANTA Conference 

November 21- 23, 2008 

American Women's Unity in Diversity
Romanians and Other Ethnic Groups' Specificity and Universality 

Unitate in Diversitate a Femeilor Americane
Specific si Universalitate la Femeile Romane si din alte Grupuri 


Friday, November 21 / Vineri 21 noiembrie, 2008 

·         Arrivals, registration / Sosiri, Inscrieri 

·         12:30 – Visits to the City Hall of Atlanta, Atlanta Chamber 
of Commerce, CNN, Coca Cola / Vizita la Primaria Atlantei, – CNN, 
Coca Cola, Camera de Comert a Atlantei


Saturday November 22 / Sambata 22 noiembrie: 

Registration / Inscrieri
7:30-8:30 – Breakfast / mic dejun
9:00 – 9:45 – Let us know each other - Discussions - / Sa ne 
cunoastem – discutii
10:00 - 11:00 – Official Opening of the Conference / Deschidere 
Oficiala a Conferintei
11:00-11:30 – Coffee break and Art / Photo Exhibitions opening / 
Pauza si vernisaj expo pictura, foto, etc. 
11: 30 – 12:30 - Introduction of participants - Ethnic groups; ethnic 
exhibitions (Culture posters, books, artifacts, music, etc.) / 
Prezentare participanti – grupuri etnice; vernisaj expozitii etnice: 
postere, mese cu expo de artizanat, muzica, etc.     12:30 – 13:00 – 
Press Conference / Conferinta de Presa 
13:00 – 14:45 - Ethnic Food Exhibition & Contest /  Expozitie arta 
culinara etnica – Concurs 

Lunch / - Pranz
15:00 – First Session / Prima sesiune 
16:30 – Coffee Break and Book Presentations / Pauza si lansare carte
17:00 – Second Session / Sesiunea a doua
18:30 – Ethnic Groups Show – Women Meet the World / Hands Around the 
World Spectacol Grupuri Etnice- Femeile Intimpina Omenirea/Maini in 
Jurul Globului
20:00 – Dinner in Community / Cina in comunitate / 
Restaurant                              21:00 –Discussions – 
Establishing UNIFERO Branches / Discutii libere – Infiintare Filiale 


Sunday, November 23 / Dumineca 23 noiembrie

7:30-8:30 – Breakfast / Mic dejun
9:00 – 10:30 – Third Session / Sesiunea a treia
10:30 –Press Conference on  Woman's Rights in the World / Conferinta 
de Presa - Masa rotunda – Drepturile femeii in Lume (Program 
alternativ: Religious Service at a Church)
12:00-13:30 – Lunch / Pranz
14:00-15:30 – Plenary Session, Awards, Rezolution / Sesiune plenara, 
premieri, rezolutii
15:30 – 16:00 – Trip – Atlanta Tour (Margarett Mitchell's House or 
Trip to Helen, Georgia Dinner to be served in Helen / Excursie / tur 
oras (daca excursie Helen – masa se serveste acolo la munte)

Trips / Excursii: Helen-Georgia/ Stone Mountain Park/ Coca Cola 
Museum/ Aquarium/ City Hall/ Margarett Mitchell House (Pe Aripile 
Vantului), CNN


Partners / Parteneri: Women and Ethic Organizations, Churches, 


Visitors Bureau, Atlanta Sister City Council, Sister Cities 
Commissions, media, businesses, consulates, Chambers of Commerce / 
Organizatii entice si de femei, Biserici, Alpharetta Visitors Bureau, 
Consiliul Oraselor Infratite a Atlantei, Comisii ale oraselor 

Presumptive Sponsors / Sponsori scontati : WSC – Bucharest, Loteria 
Romana, Alpharetta Visitors Bureau, Coca Cola, Atlanta Sister Cities, 
Atlanta and Gwinnett Chambers of Commerce 

Registration fee and contributions: 

·         Romania, Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine: No 
participation fee 

·         Western, Central and Other European Countries: E 
50.00 /person; E 100.00 / NGO
* USA, Canada, and other countries of the world: $ 120.00 / Person; $ 
220.00 – Organizations / NGO. 

·         Participants who register for the Conference by October 1 
will benefit of the above fees. Registration received after this date 
will be applied a 10% extra fee (Use same email address as above). 

·         The money will be deposited in the Account: UNIFERO 
nr.2000032279247, cod SWIFT-PNBPUS 33, routing number 061000227 open 
with   Wachovia Bank, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 

·         UNIFERO members pay half of the Conference registration 
fee. Any interested person can become a UNIFERO Member by submiting a 
Letter of Intent together with his/her CV to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The registration in the organization is considered completed upon the 
acceptance from the Board of Directors followed by the payment of the 
membership fee of 200 euro/ organization for the western Europe or 
the equivalent in $ for the other countries and of E 100 or its 
equivalent in $ per person. 

·         The collected funds will be used to secure conference 
halls, their insurance, audio-video equipment, folders and pens, 
printing / copying of conference materials (conference Program, etc), 
translation services, T-shirts with UNIFERO logo, poster and banner, 
transportation to different venues, advertising, and coffee breaks. 

The fonds obtained from sponsors and grants will be used to cover the 
Conference expenses (rooms and meals included) as well as the round 
trip - transportation fee Europe-USA for the most active members of 
UNIFERO, Inc from the disadvantaged countries and regions like 
Republic of Moldova, as well as valued senior citizens whose pension 
does not meet the minimum allowance.

The hotel rooms and meals costs will be made available upon decision 
on the venue (based on the proposals to be received) 

Taxele de inregistrare si donatii: 

·         Romania, R. Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Ucraina - Fara taxe 
de participare 

·         Europa de Vest, Centrala si alte tari europene: E 
50.00 /persoana; E 100.00 / ONG 

·         SUA, Canada, alte continente: $ 120:00/persoana; $ 220.00 / 

Inscrierile si virarile facute pina la data de 1 octombrie 
beneficiaza de taxele de mai sus. Pentru cele facute ulterior  se va 
aplica o crestere de 10%. 

·         Membri UNIFERO platesc 50% din taxa de inscriere la 

·         Costurile cazarii si meselor vor fi comunicate ulterior si 
vor fi postate pe . 

·         Orice persoana poate deveni membru UNIFERO conform 
informatiilor aflate pe website-ul la topicul „Despre 
noi-Inscriere in UNIFERO". Cererea, scrisoarea de motivatie si CV vor 
fi trimise la [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

·         Inscrierea va fi considerata completa dupa intrarea taxei 
in conturile organizatiei. Taxele in lei se vor achita in contul: 
RO34CECESV0102RON0205726 (atentie la diferenta dintre O si 0), cod 
BIC CECEROBUXXX, deschis pe numele Gusetu Mariana 

·         Taxele in valuta se vor depune in contul UNIFERO nr. 
2000032279247, cod SWIFT-PNBPUS 33, routing number 061000227 deschis 
la Wachovia Bank, Atlanta, Georgia, SUA 

Fondurile obtinute prin inscriere la Conferinta vor fi folosite 
pentru asigurarea si plata salilor de conferinta, sonorizare, 
proiectare materiale, flip charts, mapelor si pixurilor, serviciilor 
de traducere, tricourilor cu logoul UNIFERO, tiparirea / copierea 
materialelor pentru conferinta (Program, etc), logo/poster si banner 
UNIFERO, transport local si pauzele de cafea.
Fondurile din partea sponsorilor vor fi folosite pentru asigurarea 
transportului Europa-America si retur si acoperirea cheltuielilor 
pentru cazare si masa a celor mai activi membri UNIFERO din Romania, 
R Moldova, si teritoriile adiacente, precum si a membrilor seniori de 
valoare ale caror mijloace materiale nu le permit participarea. 

Inscrierile pentru Conferinta se trimit la adresa de email 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  iar banii se vireaza in contul in lei 
mentionat mai sus. 




Woman's Place / Locul si rolul femeii

a. Women's Place in 21st Century – Between Domesticity and Social 

Locul femeii in secolul 21 – Casnica si / sau Competitiva social 


b. What is my Voice and Place in … The Americas / Canada / Europe / 
Asia Africa / Australia … 

Vocea si locul meu  in … Americi, Canada, etc. 


c. Women of America and in the World – Struggle to win Women's Rights 

Drepturile femeilor in America si in lume – Lupta pentru reusita. 


d. Women as keepers of ethnic traditions  

Femeile, pastratoarele traditiilor entice 


Problems Women are Confrunted with / Probleme feminine

a. Abuse, Violence, Trafficking, Ignorance – Prevention, Ways to 
Improve our lives with Human Dignity – Learning to say NO 

Abuz, trafic de fiinite umane, violenta, ignoranta,– Prevenire, 
modalitati de imbunatatire a vietii noastre prin cistigarea 
demnitatii - invatind sa spunem NU 


b. Old Practices, New Laws (Women Circumcision, Buying Wives, etc) 

Practici vechi, noi legi (circumcizia la femei, cumpararea 
nevestelor, etc.) 


c. Refugee Concerns 

Probleme ale femeilor refugiate 


d. Young girls – finding their way - health risks 

Debusolarea tinerelor, riscuri asupra sanatatii si vietii 


e. Senior Women and Loneliness 

            Senioarele si singuratatea 


f. Recovering the Professional Status – Evaluation of Overseas 
Credentials, retirement issues, Professional Evolution, retirement, 

Revenirea la statutul profesional din tara de origine,evaluare a 
creditelor/diplomelor, evolutie profesionala, pensionare, etc. 


Solutions / Solutii

a. Experiences, problems, and successes of women 

Experiente, probleme si succese ale femeilor 


b. Laws, Rights - Knowing Them – Meeting Immigration Lawyers, Labor 
department representatives, etc. (Becoming Citizens of a Country, 
Rights, Employment …) 

Legi, drepturi si cunoasterea lor – Intilnire cu juristi de Imigrare, 
reprezentanti ai Departamentului Muncii, etc. (Devenind cetateni ai 
unei tari, drepturi, incadrare in munca,) 


c. Woman Spiritual Development as Main Piece in  Charitable Projects 
Initiative through Training, Documentation, and Continuous Activity – 
supporting friendship and mutual help. 

Dezvoltarea spirituala a femeii, ca virf de initiativa in proiectele 
de caritate, prin instruire, informare si actiune continua, prin 
cultivarea prieteniei si intrajutorarii 


d. Government Organizations / Chambers of Commerce - Involvement and 
Solutions to Gender Problems 

Organizatii Guvernamentale, Camere de Comert  si solutii la 
problemele de gen 


e. Business Women 

Femei / oameni de afaceri 


f. Women in Education, Art, Science, Medical Field, Technology, 
Communication, Politics, Religion, Commerce and Sports 

Femei in educatie, arta, stiinta, medicina, tehnica,comunicare, 
politica, religie, comert si sport 


g. Adapt and Adopt – Other Lands Culture in the American Melting Pot 

Adapare si adoptare – Cultura altor tari in mojarul American 



4. We, the Romanian Women / Noi, romancele 


a. Romanian Women and Women of Romanian Descent 

Femeile romane si de origine romana - Exista un specific al 
romancelor ? 


b. Romanian Women in the World 

            Romanca in lume 


c. Romanian Woman Along the years and in Present – Between Tradition 
and Modernism 

Romanca de-a lungul istoriei si in prezent – intre traditie si 


d. Romanian and Women of Other Nationalities, together for the Noble 
Goals of Humanity 

Femeile romane si de alte nationalitati, impreuna pentru cauzele 
nobile ale omenirii 


5. Together, Stronger / Impreuna suntem mai puternice 


a. America – The Ethnic Rug – Organizations Presentations / 

  Ethnic Diversity in America – Introduction of different 

             Diversitatea etnica in America– Prezentarea problemelor 
organizatiilor participante 


b. Women NGOs in America and in the World 

             Organizatii / Asociatii neguvernamentale feminine in 
America si in lume 


c. International Interaction / Network of Different Organizations for 
the Achievement of Objectives of High Mutual Interest 

Interactiunea internationala a unor organizatii / asociatii diferite 
in realizarea unor obiective comune de larg interes 





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