Am primit pe mail o invitatie pentru un asa zis documentar artistic de prea-marire a operatiunilor lui Gabriel facut de niste straini. Filmul anti-Rosia Montana va avea si o premiera, la Bucuresti, duminica aceasta, chiar la Cinemateca! Chipurile ar deconspira "miscarea ecologista"!
Ar trebui sa protestam la marsavia asta!

Hello All,

We wish to invite you to attend the screening of our film "Mine Your Own Business" which will be featured at the Bucharest Film Festival. This is the first film to take a hard look at the environmental movement.

The Wall Street Journal stated "Move over, Michael Moore. You have
competition in the art of political film-making…[but] instead of
advancing the cause of smug liberal hypocrisy, he's debunking it."
The National Review says

"The environmental movement is clearly afraid of this film, and they
should be. Mine Your Own Business, Irish filmmaker Phelim McAleer's
clear-eyed look at the true impacts of mining and the nefarious
tactics of its opponents, exposes the self-satisfied delusions of the
environmental Left, putting lie to a host of deadly, anti-growth
canards and revealing the smug elitism of many green advocates."

Mine Your Own Business is "the most devastating insight into the green move movement I've

seen on screen."

Herald Sun

"The film is devastating because it combats prejudices and fantasies with pictures that refute thousands of weasel words. Images spun from afar…It deserves to be seen by

anybody who wants to understand the impact on poor people of radical environmentalism."

National Post

More than 65,000 people have watched the trailer for the film on youtube.

Join us on Sunday 15th and please pass this invitation on to your friends and colleagues.

Mine Your Own Business
Cinema Eforie
Eforie Street 2

SUNDAY 15th 4 PM

Ann McElhinney& Phelim McAleer
New Bera Media


Watch the trailer of MINE YOUR OWN BUSINESS now <>

Visit our website <>


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