Civil society questionnaire on human rights and disability
The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
has prepared a
oc> questionnaire on the new UN Disability Convention with a view to
strengthening and improving the quality of the relationship between OHCHR
and persons with disabilities and their representative organisations.

OHCHR has prepared this questionnaire in the context of the recent adoption
of the  <> UN Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the
<> Optional Protocol. The
Convention upholds participation as both a principle and a stand alone
right. Moreover, States Parties to the new Convention have an obligation to
consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities and their
representative organisations in decision-making processes concerning issues
relating to persons with disabilities. It is in this spirit that OHCHR has
prepared this questionnaire as a first step in strengthening the
participation of persons with disabilities in the UN human rights system.

Importantly, a new Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will
shortly be established under the Convention. The Committee, consisting of 18
independent experts, will monitor implementation of the Convention and will
be supported by staff working at OHCHR. In this context, it will be
important that persons with disabilities and their representative
organisations understand and are able to access the international human
rights system, its mechanisms and the OHCHR.

To this end, the questionnaire has two principal objectives.

1. To enable OHCHR to have a more complete list of organisations and
independent experts working in the field of human rights and disability.

2. To promote awareness of OHCHR and the international human rights system
to persons with disabilities and their representative organisations.

OHCHR is also updating its civil society Handbook - Working with the Office
of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: A Handbook for NGOs so as to
include material on the new Convention and its Optional Protocol, as well as
material relevant for persons with disabilities. OHCHR is therefore
interested to hear your comments on the Handbook. The Handbook is available
<> here. The Handbook is
currently available in electronic version, in English and Arabic (in word
and pdf).

Please fill out and return the questionnaire by 31 August 2007 to the
following email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by fax, +41 22 928 90 10
addressed to Ms Adriana Zarraluqui.

Further information


         <> UN Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

         <> CRIN's information
page on disability

         <> CRIN's news page on

Organisation Contact Details:

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 
8-14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10 
Tel: 00 41-22 917-9000 
Website:  <>

Copyright C 2007 CRIN
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